AP 2023
dream big
Wherever you live, from mega city to remote village, your voice matters.
Anne O’Connell, NCC – AP
Regional Voting Representative for Non Country Committees
For the past two presidential cycles, and midterm campaigns in between, I have been an active member of DA in both China and Kazakhstan. During the 2016 election and 2018 midterms, I held several voter registration drives in Chengdu, China. In addition, I was a very active phone banker and attended trainings in Beijing.
My company transferred me to Atyrau, Kazakhstan in 2020 where I continued to run informational sessions virtually showing people how to vote from overseas. I continued to phone bank and help out the AP region as best I could in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2021, I joined the Global Women’s Caucus, Reproductive Justice Committee, where I currently serve as secretary. I compile the minutes, schedule the meetings, and remind members to call in. In 2022, I was also the secretary for GOTV-AP, where I did much of the same. In addition, I ran many phone banking action hours and voter registration trainings for people in the AP region.
I have an abundance of experience within the DA organization. As a classroom teacher for over 30 years, I have an established track record of organizational skills, problem solving techniques, and ability to work with people of different backgrounds and ideologies.
My priority and objectives as a DPCA Voting Representative is to reach out to the expat communities in this region and establish some sub-committees of volunteers to run face-to-face and virtual events. I would like to continue the phone banking action hours and encourage others to join in. I have many contacts in this region as a result of my work with GOTV-AP and years living here.
I have enjoyed working with the country chairs through my work with GOTV-AP. I look forward to continuing collaborating with you on projects and events!